Law Offices Of Jason Castaneda Logo

Houston Law Firm, Lawyer

Houston Law Firm, Lawyer

(713) 808-9696

Law Offices Of Jason Castaneda Service Areas

Civil Litigation

Civil litigation differs from criminal proceedings in that consequences typically involve paying a monetary fine, known as damages, to the victim(s). Our comprehensive services take you through the preparation, filing and the court process, vigorously defending your rights, and bringing legal clarity to the tough decisions you are facing.

Criminal Law

Our criminal law analysts and defense specialists draw from a background representing years of experience advocating for citizens and businesses, just like you. We handle a variety of complex felony and misdemeanor charges ranging from murder charges to domestic violence and driving while impaired accusations.

Legal Services

We are a friendly and highly knowledgeable group of dedicated lawyers who specialize in many key areas of the law, in the United States and internationally. If you are an individual or business seeking affordable legal services but are unsure of which practice area your situation falls under, we can help.

Personal Injury

Our highly qualified law team has years of experience defending people just like you, in and outside of the courthouse. Medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering add up when you or a loved one are hurt or fatally injured. Allow us to expedite and clarify the claims process for you, giving you expert advice and explaining all of your options.

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